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Map of Turkey wine: wine regions and vineyards of Turkey

You can find on this page the Turkey wine map to print and to download in PDF. The Turkey wine regions map presents the vineyards and wine growing areas of Turkey in Asia.

Turkey wine map

The Turkey wine map shows all wine growing areas of Turkey. This wine regions map of Turkey will allow you to easily localize all appellations and main grape varieties in Turkey in Asia. The Turkey vineyards map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Turkish wine is wine made in the transcontinental Eurasian country of Turkey. The Caucasus region as its mentioned in Turkey wine map, where the countries of Georgia, Armenia and Turkey are located today, played a pivotal role in the early history of wine and is likely have been one of the earliest wine-producing regions of the world.

The size and geography of Turkey accounts for the wide climatic variation of Turkey wine regions. The wine regions of Thrace along the Sea of Marmara have slight Mediterranean climates that resembles those of neighboring southwest Bulgaria and northeast Greece as you can see in Turkey wine map. This area is responsible for nearly 40% of Turkey wine production. The wine regions along the Aegean coast, mostly near İzmir, account for 20% of the country wine production, and have much more pronounced Mediterranean climates with mild winters and warm, dry summers.

The remaining portion of Turkey wine production takes place in scattered pockets throughout the Eastern and Central Anatolia regions as its shown in Turkey wine map. The region of Central Anatolia is the most climatically difficult region to produce wine, with most vineyards being located at altitudes near 1,250 meters (4,000 feet) above sea level. Winter frost is a serious viticultural hazard, with winter temperatures often dropping to −25 °C (−13 °F). In the summer, grapes of this region can receive up to 12 hours of sunshine a day. The vineyards of Eastern Anatolia around Elazığ, Malatya and Diyarbakır are located in the Euphrates valley, which is one of the world's oldest wine regions and the anecdotal location of Noah vineyards from the 9th chapter of Genesis.